It was with me. Let's talk about this question.
03316306744 UnsafeScammers
+353906513080 UnsafeAccording to their website, this is the contact number for They are charging my credit card under the name PYD*zenstarh
+19202549199 UnsafeIt was the same with me. Let's talk about this question.
+8656696686237 Unsafe1 (920) 254-9199 Same individual.
+33615802754 UnsafeFake number sending fraudulent DHL package notifications.
02086632581 UnsafeRecorded message claiming that there are attempts to charge certain unfamiliar transactions...
+447588811174 UnsafeScammers don't answer.
7704889338 UnsafeSomeone from this number is asking for money from a law firm in Atlanta, GA!
+447850400367 UnsafeThis number calls Finland. I didn’t answer.
Statistics for phone numbers
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Sometimes we still remove comments, they are still in search engines. It sometimes takes months for the comment to be deleted from search engines, and this has nothing to do with us.
It's difficult to do this because there are hundreds of comments a day.
Nope. Most of the comments are posted without going through the approval mechanism.
If a problem is found in the comment on the phone number, the person who sent the comment is banned.
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