Telephone number: +44932193776

( 932193776 , 0044932193776 )


Hazard level Safe
Number of comments 8
Last viewed December 22, 2024
Number of views 502

There are 8 comments for the phone number +44932193776. Phone number hazard level Safe. 8 users were marked it with 1 Unsafe, 7 Neutral rating.

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Comments on the number 0044932193776


I have bloked this number too.

April 25, 2021

Called twice trying to push finance schemes. Claimed to have gotten my number from "some websites". Refused to be more specific. Quick to temper when questioned. Obviously dodgy

April 25, 2021

In the last two days this number and +44 2083291094 have rung me. I have not answered as I recognised them as London numbers and I live in New Zealand. I've looked on several sites and they have all said do not answer. Please spread the word about these n

April 25, 2021

Offering investments... I told them I wasn't interested and she kept asking why, asking what my job was etc etc. I told them I was going to hang up and the caller said "well that's your loss" and hung up on me. Incredibly annoying and persistent

April 25, 2021

Called them back and apparently that number is not currently allocated ...

April 25, 2021

Investment brokers trying to offer investments. Pretty dodgy . Told them I wasn't interested and they kept asking why. Wouldn't take no as an answer and eventually they hung up on me. Block this number if you can.

April 25, 2021

have had two hangup calls from here and now banned the number. I'm in NZ

April 25, 2021

trade12 SCAM

April 25, 2021

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  • +44932193776
  • +44 932193776
  • 932193776
  • +44-932193776